Love Reserved

“You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” ~ Buddha

I did not realize until I sat down in front of the computer tonight, how long it had been since I wrote something here.

To be honest, I knew I was struggling with writing for quite some time. I would have thoughts and ideas come to me and then as quickly as they arrived they were gone. I kept saying to myself that at some point I would sit down and try to let the words flow like lava from my fingertips.

However, as with some good intentions, nothing ever came to fruition. Life happened, health happened, the loss of loved ones happened and slowly the days turned into weeks, into months and then into years.

I think I knew, on some level, that it would take a really special idea to bring me back to this keyboard and back to something that I have enjoyed doing so much. To me, if even one person reads what I write and takes something from it, then I am fulfilling something inside of me that I want to share with others.

What is that idea you ask? Glad you brought it up.


What better day to bring this idea to the forefront, eh? I guess you could say that doing this, on this particular day, is a defining act of love for myself. I am honoring something that makes me feel whole.

So, here’s the thing. Today is Valentine’s Day. It is a day that is notoriously filled with desires, hopes, dreams and expectations. There is a energy and vibration in the air as people all around the world wait with baited breath to hear spoken words of love, to witness acts of love or to receive items that are meant to express love.

It’s as though we have made this reservation, for this day, every year. We have reserved this time annually to tell those around us how much they mean to us, to show partners how much they mean to us or to remind ourselves how much we love ourselves.

Have you ever wondered what would happen if we didn’t wait? If we jumped the reservation queue and decided to do away with standing in that line up? What if we were to tell the people around us EVERY SINGLE DAY how much we love them? What if we were to wake up EVERY MORNING and say “I love you” to ourselves? What if we were to remind our wives, husbands, partners, lovers of why we chose them, EVERY SINGLE DAY? I can tell you right now, the world might just feel a little lighter.

The thing is, LOVE is NOT a reservation. It does not have to be reserved for “special times” or “special days”. It does not have to be shown by lavish gifts or gestures, or be said only occasionally.

If there’s one thing I have learned in the last 3 years, it’s that life is too short. If you hold back telling someone you love them, then you might be looking back one day with regret because they’re no longer there to say it to.

So, here are some things I’d like to suggest. Take from this list what you will:

  • Remind people you love that you love them daily
  • Show those that you love that you love them in small and meaningful ways ~ take out the garbage, compliment their clothing, help them with a difficult move, bring flowers home for no reason…..these things are small but it tells that person that you care about the help they need
  • Don’t hesitate to leave a conversation with “Love ya!” even if you are talking to a friend – friendship love is some of the best kind out there!
  • Remind yourself as much as is humanly possible that you are worthy of love from others and that YOU LOVE YOURSELF
  • Don’t put off saying I love you to someone who truly matters to you – tomorrow, sometimes even the rest of today, is not guaranteed.

Coming back to writing ~ sitting down and sharing my thoughts in such an open, transparent and vulnerable way is my act of love for myself. I am at my happiest when I am expressing and hopefully inspiring.

Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, I wish love for you.

Love D.


**This post is dedicated to my Mom and my dear friend Tony. What I wouldn’t give to hear your voices saying “Love you.” again.