Happy New You!

No, don’t double-check the title of this post. You did read that right. As the clock winds down on 2014 and clicks over into the next 365 days I am wishing you all a Happy New You!

For some of you that might be quitting smoking, for some losing weight. For other people it will be meeting fitness goals while some of you might be looking at a year of personal growth in jobs or relationships

It doesn’t matter how you cut it, this is YOUR year! Every single one of you is going to show up as the best you possible.

I have had so many deep, meaningful conversations with friends and acquaintances in the last few weeks. Everything from exercise to nutrition to emotional issues have been discussed.

One constant message that I have attempted to put out to the people I’ve connected with is that achieving your dreams, surpassing your expectations of yourself is entirely possible. You just have to decide that you want it bad enough and that you’re willing to put in the sweat equity to make your visions a reality.

I have worked hard. I have poured my mind, body and soul into what I have done in the last year but I am no more powerful, no more special and no more amazing than any one of you. We are all capable of so many great things. I just happen to know the secret. Let go. Just let go of all the fears, all the doubt, all the what ifs. Close your eyes and jump. You will be safe, you will make it and what lies on the other side of that jump is without question one of the most rewarding feelings ever.

What do I have in store for 2015?  I put the wheels in motion and decided on several goals quite a while ago. Over the coming weeks I’ll share these with you and look forward to having support and feedback along the way. My biggest hope is to continue to inspire and encourage all of you because more than anything else that gives me the greatest feeling of accomplishment.

I reflect tonight on 2014 being full of incredible moments, meeting amazing people and finding out more about my limits and abilities than ever before. I am very excited for the clock to start fresh at midnight and I look forward to even more awesome moments to come in the near future.

Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing I hope that you are full of hope, dreams and positive expectations of the year to come and beyond.

With all my heart, with all my being

Love D.



Photo credit: Armando Tura