Even as a writer and motivational blogger I occasionally struggle with how to adequately communicate my feelings. To share your thoughts and emotions with another human being can be one of the most challenging yet most rewarding, beneficial and healthy things to do.
Acute Awareness
I am a pedestrian. I am a motorist. I am a cyclist.
I have also been in an accident as a cyclist that has carried a lasting impact on me. Continue reading Acute Awareness
A New Lens on Life
I don’t normally start my blogs off with a picture however I found this one* to be particularly fitting given the subject that I am writing about today. Continue reading A New Lens on Life
Love Yourself, Not Your”selfie”
Look in the mirror and repeat after me…
“There is only one me. I am special, I am unique and I am perfectly imperfect. I love me in every way.”
The Inside Story
So here’s the thing ~ I am not writing about what I was going to write about. What I am doing instead is coming clean with all of you. Continue reading The Inside Story
Breaking the Rules
I am sure that by now most, if not all of you, have heard about or seen the video of the Chewbacca Mask Lady. This was the Live Facebook Video that broke the internet…but why?
Loving The “Ugly”
“Our thoughts about what we are and what we can be precisely determine what we can be.” ~ Anthony Robbins
Busting Through
“The most effective way to do it, is to do it.” ~ Amelia Earhart
If you’ve ever watched a surfer go through the waves it is symbolic of how to overcome obstacles in life.
Love Is An OCR
I was going to post a blog yesterday about loving yourself, about accepting your perfect imperfections, about not giving up if you haven’t found that one person who balances you yet or being comfortable in being on your own.
Man walking next to me: You’re walking awfully quickly on those crutches!
Me: Yes, I know. I’m an athlete!
Man now slightly ahead of me: You mean you were an athlete.
….What the?
Me (wanting to throw my words at the man): I still am and always will be! Continue reading Fear…Less