“It only takes one person to change your life: You” ~ Ruth Casey
Here we are in the final hours of 2015. To say that this has been an eventful year would be somewhat of an understatement. Continue reading The Power of One
“It only takes one person to change your life: You” ~ Ruth Casey
Here we are in the final hours of 2015. To say that this has been an eventful year would be somewhat of an understatement. Continue reading The Power of One
I will be posting a blog soon however I wanted to take a moment to wish the readers of my blogs a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday and a very Happy and Positive New Year.
“The real glory is being knocked to your knees and then coming back. That’s real glory.” – Vince Lombardi (Football coach)
November 16th, 2015. I planned like so many other people going to work that day on coming home, on making dinner, on hitting the gym, on seeing my son. That didn’t happen.
Pulse pounding in my ears, palms sweaty and I can’t catch my breath. I must be getting ready to run a Tough Mudder, right? WRONG!
I have made the decision to cut my hair.
“She inhabited two spaces or worlds – one masculine and the other feminine – at once.” ~ (Sarah Duff – Descriptor of Dr Jane Elizabeth Waterston)
I love working out. Anyone who knows me will say that my happy place is found in movement, effort and sweat.
Sometimes when you strive daily to inspire, motivate and encourage self-love and acceptance in others it can be easy to miss that something is not quite right in your world.
It is at times like this that getting hit in the face with a big, huge piece of humble pie is very, very likely (DUCK!!).
“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” ~ Buddha
There is a vortex and I know it well. It is one that I get lost in on a regular basis. It hits me first as a tingling down my spine and then as a warm glow. It is the vortex of awesomeness and LOVE!
Thanksgiving is upon us once again. While looking forward to the food, friends and family that the holiday inevitably involves I know like many out there I have wondered at times how I would survive them.
“The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can do something, you can do it, as long as you really believe 100%.” ~ Arnold Schwarzenegger
“I think one way to explain what’s wrong with my life is that I’ve lost my “flow”. I’ve created a mindset for myself where I simply go with the flow, everybody and anybodies over my own.”
These words (grammatically intact) were found scrawled on a torn up piece of paper on the dry dirt ground of a raceway in Alix, AB. There’s no name or identifying information other than the paper header which is from Elysia Resort in Quesnel Lake, BC.