Category Archives: Blog

Knock Out!

“The real glory is being knocked to your knees and then coming back. That’s real glory.” – Vince Lombardi (Football coach)

November 16th, 2015. I planned like so many other people going to work that day on coming home, on making dinner, on hitting the gym, on seeing my son. That didn’t happen.

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Finding YOUR Flow

“I think one way to explain what’s wrong with my life is that I’ve lost my “flow”. I’ve created a mindset for myself where I simply go with the flow, everybody and anybodies over my own.” 

These words (grammatically intact) were found scrawled on a torn up piece of paper on the dry dirt ground of a raceway in Alix, AB. There’s no name or identifying information other than the paper header which is from Elysia Resort in Quesnel Lake, BC. 

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