As I stood breathlessly waiting for the results of my plumbing efforts with my bathroom sink last night I realized how at times life is very much like a clogged drain.
Category Archives: Blog
Living Like I’m Dying
Before any assumptions are made that title does not reflect an inner desire for me to unleash my dark, mysterious and brooding 16-year-old past self. Continue reading Living Like I’m Dying
The Great Hair Vortex
Have you ever had one of those days where you see yourself in a store window or a car mirror and catch yourself thinking “Man, I am having a GREAT hair day!!”.
What follows after that is a raise at work, the house being clean when you get home, dinner being ready, you get foot rubs and you find out that all 6 of your numbers match the ones drawn on 6/49?
Why Do I Run?
Why do I run?
I run because I can.
I run because I was told I would never be able to again.
Question of Identity
Who am I?
When my marriage ended after 12 years in 2012 and after going through a huge weight loss transformation it was the question that was echoing through my mind frequently.
Living In Color
“Your shoes make me all kinds of happy.”
This is a statement that can be heard passing through my lips frequently. It’s the color of the runners these days that gets me every time. The best thing is they keep making the shoes brighter, more colorful and I KEEP GETTING HAPPIER!!
Color does not just refer to the shades, hues and tones of the things around us in our physical world. It also applies to the way we live our lives. Do we life in a perpetual state of dark and grey or do we let in those moments that bring a virtual rainbow into our hearts?
I was going to post a blog about fitness today but now I’m not going to.
As I am sitting here typing this I honestly don’t even know what to call what I’m writing so it will be something that I will wait to figure out at the end.
The Power of Positive Words
“When you’re drowning you don’t think, I would be incredibly pleased if someone would notice I’m drowning and come and rescue me. You just scream.”
― John Lennon
Open Letter to My Gym
Dear Gym,
I have fallen in love with you. When I see you in the morning light I find I have to catch my breath and my heart starts racing. When I hear the bustling sounds of energy it helps me reach down and find my own motivation to start the day. I look forward to seeing the familiar faces and to meeting new acquaintances while enjoying everything you have to offer.
Perfectly Imperfect
The journey that I am on will never truly be done. I will reach my “goal weight”, I will meet the challenges I set for myself head on, I will manage to organize my home and my personal space but I am constantly evolving and changing. What worked for me tomorrow will look different in the morning light today.