So many of us feel that we have to strive for perfection over the holidays. We are bombarded with constant media messages that in order to have the “perfect” home or gathering we have to buy a particular object or service.
The Real Prescription
After witnessing the constant deluge of advertisements claiming that there is a breakthrough “miracle skinny pill” now available, I feel it is important to put my two cents worth in.
Are you ready for this? There is NO SUCH THING as a miracle pill!!
Resolution Solution
I think it’s important with 2014 on the way out and 2015 quickly approaching to address the infamous ‘New Year’s Resolution’ issue.
Here’s my input…..why wait?
Here’s Looking at You!!
“I can’t go workout in a gym. Everyone there is going to stare at me. All those fit people are going to make fun of me.”
I am guilty of not only thinking that but having those words come out of my mouth and worse yet believing in them.
Anything is Possible
I opened up my Facebook feed today to find that my incredibly awesome, supportive and wonderful friends are sharing and posting a piece of my journey and evidence of how far I’ve come.
In 2012, after taking part in the Times Colonist Health Challenge for the 2nd time, I was interviewed because someone had caught wind of my story around weight loss and what my turning point was. (I am inserting the article link at the end of this post)
Digging Deep
Maybe it’s the fact that I just finished watching 6 amazing boxing/kickboxing matches at Quest for the Title 8, maybe it’s the fact that I’m running through a mental checklist of the new goals I want to set for myself or maybe it’s because I’m excited about the new year of crushing limits that lays ahead…but I can’t sleep.
You Will
Nobody ever said it would be easy.
There are few things one can promise in life but I can tell you right now with certainty that you WILL have difficult moments. You WILL have bad days. You WILL feel like doing ANYTHING but what you’re about to do with your body.
Picture Pretty
I am going to be kicking myself in my wellness, self-love, inspiration, motivation butt today.
I had a moment earlier this morning and it got me thinking about what’s REALLY important.
Surviving the Holidays
If there is one thing I have heard repeatedly over the last couple of weeks, it has been people worrying about staying in shape and not gaining weight over the holidays.
Please understand that any advice I offer doesn’t come from a background of nutritional education, a school or a degree.
Who’s Watching You?
There are no words in any language anywhere to describe the pride I had in my son today. The closest I can come to it is to tell you my heart burst, tears flowed and the smile could not have been bigger on my face.