Anything is Possible

I opened up my Facebook feed today to find that my incredibly awesome, supportive and wonderful friends are sharing and posting a piece of my journey and evidence of how far I’ve come.

In 2012, after taking part in the Times Colonist Health Challenge for the 2nd time, I was interviewed because someone had caught wind of my story around weight loss and what my turning point was. (I am inserting the article link at the end of this post)

Continue reading Anything is Possible

Digging Deep

Maybe it’s the fact that I just finished watching 6 amazing boxing/kickboxing matches at Quest for the Title 8, maybe it’s the fact that I’m running through a mental checklist of the new goals I want to set for myself or maybe it’s because I’m excited about the new year of crushing limits that lays ahead…but I can’t sleep.

Continue reading Digging Deep


‘Food is the most abused anxiety drug. Exercise is the most underutilized antidepressant.’

Stress gets to all of us. Drama enters all of our lives at one point or another even if we don’t talk about it. We are all walking around with the invisible monkeys on our backs consisting of workload, financial concern, family dynamics. What matters most is how we manage these things.

Continue reading Promise